PRODUCTS graphic


Arbitration Resolution Services, Inc. has incorporated the Salient method for software development into their system of dispute resolution.


UpShot is a new technology developed by Salient from real-world requirements. It is a versatile framework that allows the rapid creation of management or user interfaces. UpShot has a myriad of different uses, from rapid prototyping to intelligent appliance applications.


FingerDoc provides quick and easy document management on a cellular phone. It places the power to fax and email documents of any type directly on the handset. FingerDoc is easily extensible to other applications. The FingerDoc technology framework can quickly bring your desktop application or resources to the handset of you and your co-workers.


MileageXL is a mobile app that allows users to track their mileage and export the results to a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel format. Mileage can also be exported to a cloud server, and reformatted into a web page, a PDF, a fax, or other types of data exchange.

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